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There have been many discussions on the subject of article spinners. In these discussions some people say that spinning articles produce garbage while other people say that spinners are great and that they produce human readable content.
There are many articles on content spinners on the market; some of these articles are useless while others actually attempt to inform you of how powerful article rewriters are. Some marketers will lead you to think that they do not support the use of spinners, or spun content, when in-fact these very same people do the exact same thing.
The difference is that these people manually spin their content by using different summaries, different titles, different keywords, etc, when they submit to article directories.
The truth is article spinners have a purpose and when used properly, and used for the right purpose, they can be a very powerful article marketing tool. You do however need to use a proper article rewriter, and you do need to actually do some work. There is no software that is going to write articles for you. Using a human controlled article spinner will produce you proper and readable results every single time.
~*~ What Is A Human Controlled Article Spinner
A human controlled spinner is a content spinner that requires a real live human to write out each and every word on an article. Any spinner that requires the need of synonyms or a thesaurus is pretty much useless. Some can use such spinners but they will in no way produce an article better than a human controlled spinner.
By using a human controlled spinner you will have better results because you, as the writer, can control exactly what is said in an article. If you want to use 3 different titles then you write up those 3 different titles. The same applies for the summary or paragraphs in the article.
~*~ What To Do With Spun Articles
After you have created your spun articles then you have several uses for them. Before you do anything though make sure to read your articles to make sure they are readable and make sense.
If you have created 4 variations of each section of your article then you should have no problem spinning the article to create 25 articles. You could submit different versions of your articles to different article directories.
This can prove to be very useful, especially when some article directories want a fresh article that you have not submitted anywhere else. Submitting fresh content will also help you in your search engine rankings.
There are many more uses for spun content than just submitting to article directories. You could use the spun articles for blog post that could be scheduled so your blog has content for several weeks at a time. Get more ideas on spun content from this article marketing forum.
Get started below with the free article rewriter!
Step 1. Paste your article: You can paste it directly without making changes. Paste Links and all. It is not necessary to remove formatting or html.
Step 2. Make modifications: Change links, modify keywords or include new content if desired. You can change the links or any other part of the content prior to submitting.
Step 3. Click The Button: Your Article is parsed, formatted and ready for rewriting on the next page. Click and go!
NOTE: Please make sure you include a paragraph break where needed. If you do not have the <P> included, your paragraphs will not format properly!
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